Introduction: TITANIUM (TiO2), Vanadium, Iron Ore, Zirconium, Considering the measured and inferred reserves, it was calculated that Mineral Deposit of the Farm has the potential value of mining of US$145.5 billion. The Titanium ore in the Farm originates mainly from the ilmenite ore, although the presence of rutile in petrographic slides, and its exploitation is common in mines present in the region. The superficial anomalies in elements such as titanium, and rare earths, found early in the research, already revealed a possible alkaline-carbonatite complex in the studied region. Considering the TiO2 content as varying from 0.8% to 1.35%, and an average of 1.00% (blending), there would be a reserve of 65,108,160 tons in TiO2 ore.,